MEASUREMENT, Five Pillar Wellness

Bringing people to a multidimensional positive health, a sense of well-being, a more successful existence.

Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator, Wellenss Risk Management

 Help for Worker's Wellness, Cost Free to the Company



This is your place for an expert  opinion on your Self-Help Wellness matters. Enrol in the Wellness Risk Management Research program today.

Health Care Providers

Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator questionnaire provides a holistic online optimal health assessment that delivers a one page progress chart with 38 result scores for 30 questionnaires. This chart will give a health care worker a snap shot of a client's optimal health from a holistic alternative perspective and help the heath care worker prioritize the first efforts needed by the client.


  • Do you have patients/clients who need exercises advice, nutrition advice, stress reduction advice?
  • Do you presently have a campaign to offer a service in the health advice field?
  • Would you like to build a new Wellness service and offer it to your patients/clients?
  • Are you the type of health care worker who sees people on a crisis basis, but would like to develop a monthly wellness type of practice? 

Most health care providers have many patients that need health advice. Most health care providers struggle with which questions to ask their patients/clients. So, they end up asking just a few simple basic profession specific questions.

We provide a service that makes health advice easy for you. It is comprehensive, thorough, and the best part is that the patient/client spends their own time on it, at their own home. That is a bonus for you as a provider of health services.

The initial phase of an advice service is the consultation. We provide an online consultation that you can use as a base for advice to your patients/clients. Find out what your patient's/client's lifestyle score numbers are on 30 qyuestionnaires. We provide 38 numbers that describe where your patient/client is at on the optimal health scale.

The best way to start learning what Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator is all about is to take it yourself. It's all anonymous.

The measurement tool at will provide a Wellness Progress Chart for health care providers. Providers can monitor the progress of patients/clients they refer. This is an excellent way to track how a patient or client is doing with lifestyle modification or lifestyle improvement procedures.

The Chart
The Wellness Risk Management (WRM) Progress Chart is a single 8.5 by 11 page that lists 38 numbers representing the average scores the client received including the BMI, Waist/Hip Ratio and Bowel Transit Time.

Depending on the kind of health care practitioner you are, you would simply choose what numbers to focus on with your patient/client. When your client retakes Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator, you will see successive columns of numbers beside the last set, and conveniently dated so you can easily judge progress. You would counsel your patient/client as you see fit according to your particular licence.

New Source of Income
Some health care providers may choose to register as a Wellness Risk Management Engineer/Instructor and earn a commission on sales. This is an option.

To learn more please contact us directly using the Contact Us link.


Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator, is a  questionnaire that delivers information collected from the client/patient and organises it into a professional level format for use by many different kinds of health care workers. The information is collected anonymously over the internet and a progress chart is delivered over the internet to the client/patient.

The questionnaire provides an online optimal health assessment that delivers a one page progress chart with 38 result scores. It assesses pain, Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Obesity, Anti-Aging, Pain Relief, Wellness Diet, Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets, Osteoporosis Risk, and several other important clinical indicators. People involved with helping others can use this online tool to help with decisions more efficiently. The Progress Chart will give a health care worker a snap shot of a client's optimal health from a holistic alternative perspective and help the clinician, practitioner, or health worker prioritize the first efforts needed by the client.

Clients spend their own time on the internet taking the online consultation and receive their self help progress chart via email in about one hour. The questions are the same ones many professionals use at one time or another. The result is a condensed progress chart for easy viewing.

Who can use the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation questionnaire?

Fitness trainers
Massage therapists
Lifestyle coaches
Manual practitioners
Doctors of natural medicine
Health care professionals
      Medical doctors
Anyone who maintains a private practice: hair stylists, estheticians, beauticians, barbers, etc.

How it can be used?

  • Health workers can send a client/patient to the online consultation for an initial assessment and then review the results with the client/patient.
  • Professionals can pick out specific score results to discuss and ignore others in the list of 38 scores delivered to the client/patient.
  • Practitioners can send their clients/patients to the online consultation every three months to monitor their progress.
  • Practitioners can use the Red Flag score and the Yellow Flag score to focus their attention on important matters.
  • Alternative practitioners can use the Pain Relief Diet scores to fine tune nutrition.

How can this online consultation be used for revenue generation?

  • A practitioner can charge an additional fee to review the 38 Progress Chart result scores with their client/patient. The fee for a client/patient to take the online consultation questionnaire is a nominal fee at this present time. That fee is paid by the client online via PayPal.
  • A practitioner can book visits with their client/patient to discuss how to progress with behaviour improvement using the Progress Chart as a guide.
  • A practitioner can join the Agent Program and earn commissions on referrals. The first year of the agent program is free for practitioners.
  • A practitioner can join the Agent Program and earn higher commissions on sales of Health Advice Therapy Workshops.
  • Practitioners can develop their own sales agents in other localities (and/or other countries) and pay them a percentage of their own agent commission. Contact us for more details.
  • When our Instructor Program Phase is ready and launched, then a practitioner can become a Lifestyle Instructor and earn fees delivering Lifestyle Instruction Aid counselling. More on that later.

If you are a health care worker with a private practice then you can benefit from having your clients/patients take the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation over the internet. When they bringing their progress chart to you for review you would discuss the results and show them how they should proceed. You would give them your care then retest them in three months to see what progress was achieved. If you think they need more intense one-on-one help then you can refer them for Health Advice Therapy and you can enroll your self in the agent program that pays commissions for such referrals.

Health Advice Therapy
Health Advice Therapy is a new service industry all about applied Optimal Health Secrets. Optimal Health Secrets is about the science of wellness, optimal health wellness so to speak. With the wealth of information available now days on health and wellness our problems with regard to improving ourselves tend to focus around achieving actions that improve our lifestyle behaviours. Its getting it done and done on a regular basis that is the problem right now. Health Advice Therapy is about applying the knowledge that science has learned and delivered over the past century. More recently a flood of papers clarifies some optimal health issues nicely.

Health Advice Therapy uses information contained in the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation Progress Chart to build recommendations and an Action Plan for the client contained in a comprehensive Consultation Report of Findings. This is a new service industry with a standardized input form and a standardized output form.

If health care workers would like to view a progress chart template then please contact us for information.

The questionnaire has been designed for use by three groups of people with very different health knowledge and skill levels.

  1. Group one is health care workers with specific training, either at the professional level as in various types of doctors, or at the supportive level for other health care workers with specialized training. The online consultation was designed as an aid to health care workers who have a provincial/state licence to dispense health advice. These people would use their training as they see fit, (as their licence provides). They now have the Progress Chart with a series of numbers as scores to use as guides for advice. As there are many different types of health care professionals, the online consultation was designed to be of use to most all of them. When viewing the Consultation Progress Chart, each practitioner can pick what they feel is pertinent to their particular specialty. Given that body and behaviour improvement has common denominators to all health professions, many different professions would be using similar data on a client.

  2. Group two would be composed of specially trained Wellness Consultant/Instructors. For the purposes of wellness consulting, no health care training is necessary for this group. This is because the focus of the wellness consulting by these people is directed at the narrow focus of the Report of findings Action Plan items. These items have already been selected for the client by the Report of Findings. No health decisions have to be made by these consultants other than motivational help to achieve preset goals in the Action Plan. These instructors/health advisors need only learn the protocols of their mandate. The beauty of this process becomes clear to those who have followed the scientific research on lifestyle modification through body improvement and behaviour improvement which shows that motivational help is a prime requisite for success in long-term modification, given the difficulties present in this field. Wellness instructors will have the same Progress Chart available to them that doctors have.

  3. Group three is the general public. This group will have the option of self help direction, and can follow up with Wellness Workshops where they would get a comprehensive consultation Report of Findings around 35 pages long with some 38 recommendations based on their score results. Active Self-Help is the goal with this group.


International Standard
Our long term vision involves international standards for health advice that can be regulated from a central agency. Getting everyone involved reading from the same page has its advantages. The Canadian Holistic Online Consultation achieves these goals. It is another tool in the race to improve health and wellness.

There are three important aspects of body/behaviour improvement, or wellness, or optimal health, or any name you wish to call it.

  1. First, there needs to be a measure performed in order to know where a client is at.

  2. Second, there needs to be one-on-one help available. That help can be either a very expensive professional level help or an inexpensive Health Advice Therapy instructor level help. Provided they are both focussed on the same result then one will not achieve any better results than the other. An obvious choice for governments is to go with the lesser expensive methodology and worker.

  3. Thirdly, active self-help is necessary. There needs to be an effort toward active self-help. Without this aspect the community is caught up in the terribly expensive passive system of dealing with disease processes on a professional level after diseases have been allowed to begin. That is not efficient, not a bright way to do things, and causes a terrible amount of suffering, not to mention early death. The old way of passive care by a medical physician using drugs and surgery, needs to give way and team up with the new cooperative modern collaborative team work standards that include active self-help.


Take it Yourself
To start things off at familiarizing yourself with our concepts we recommend that you take the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation today. It is not expensive and it is anonymous. Have a look at your own scores and from there you can choose to help yourself, all by yourself, or you can seek additional expert help. You will know your lifestyle numbers and will see how easy it will be to make decisions about your own lifestyle choices. An optional Consultation Report of Findings, around 35 pages, is made available through Health Advice Therapy Workshops.

Contact us for more information if you would like to learn how to become an agent or how your organization can become an agent and generate commissions.

We do not see commissions as any type of conflict of interest. We do not see how helping people get healthy, stay healthy, and save the government millions of dollars at the same time, can be a conflict. Those who think that making money from helping people get healthy, and stay healthy, is some how a conflict for people in the disease caring field, need to reassess their thinking and realign it to the modern era. One way we would suggest that a government can break this mental hold is to offer monetary incentives to medical people who can show improved scores on the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation. More about that at a future date.

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Dr. Ouellette 

 Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet


 Cheating on Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet


A note from Dr. Ouellette.