Wellness Risk Management
Register Page
The Questionnaire
All Registrations will now go through the workplace and
the Wellness Risk Management Research Program. Your company must be ENROLLED with Wellness Risk Management.
Please purchase a workshop. Do not use this page form unless directed to it. You will now send an eTransfer from your secure bank web site.
To start, please watch each one of these 30 second videos in order. Videos will open in this same browser tab. Click on your browser's back button when the video ends.
These are duplicate videos below in case your browser has trouble with one set of them in the 3 links above. You can use either the 3 links above or the 3 videos below. They are the same ones.
Also called the Canadian Holistic Online Consultation.
The program that calculates wellness knowledge and how well people apply that knowledge.
Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator
Calculating Wellness Risk
Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet Calculator
Now called Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory, Anti Obesity, Anti Aging, Pain Relief, Wellness Diet because it's such a clean burning diet that it does it all.
It's Multidimensional Interprofessional Wellness. It's Optimal Health Wellness. Wellness is a multidimensional positive health, a sense of well-being, a more successful existence. We start with awareness. To gain awareness we must assess ourselves. People can get started with natural pain relief therapy and Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet. The first thing we test and measure with your knowledge base is Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets.
Sign Up below for the Go-it-alone program by creating a free account and obtaining a password for Login.
Creating an account is free.
Retrieve your password from your email, then go to the Login page and use your password to login.
See instructions below.
Contact us if you have any questions as to how this program can help your weight, your wellness health, your pain, and your inflammation.
Please use the Instructor Code name, or the Agent Code name that you have been given, but ONLY in the INSTRUCTOR's Code name window. You are the Client, so use your own secret code name in that window. If you have never been given an Instructor's code name, then use the default code name (A1A)in the Instructior's or Agent's window. If you came from our videos, and do not have any other code name, then use our video code name (A2pro2A)
Featuring Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet Test
And, Dr. Ouellette's Optimal Health Secrets 'Five Pillars' Test
Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Program starts here.
Sign Up Register
You only need to sign up once. Thereafter, you will always Login.
Cost for Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Calculator is a small amount Canadian Dollars.
Pay this fee after logging in with your password.
You will receive 38 score results including a grand overall optimal health score.
Your Wellness Calculator results will have Red Flagged items and Yellow Flagged items.
Your Wellness Progress Chart will be sent to your email address.
If you are a health care provider then we can provide a special Health Professional's Report that includes the 38 score results on your patient. This will help you direct them. The practitioner must ask the patient to authorize the Health Professional's Report.
Assessments are processed every hour on the hour.
We suggest that people purchase two calculations at the same time so they can take the second one in three months and compare the improvement in their 38 scores.
What does Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator do?
Answer: Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Knowledge Calculator is a knowledge calculator that measures people to determine what they know and how they are applying what they know. It then compares the responses to current scientific standards of our day. All five of Dr. Ouellette's Five Pillars of Optimal Health Secrets are measured and more. A workshop program offers direct one-on-one help that fine tunes efforts for success. Dr. Ouellette's workshops include Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Report of Findings and Dr. Ouellette's Wellness Action Plan. The goal is to improve on the client's Wellness scores and encourage Wellness self-help.
Our Wellness Calculator also assess the present diet of the client for Dr. Ouellette's Anti-Inflammatory Pain Relief Diet protocols. Wellness Workshops help people construct their own diet and Wellness Action Plan they can be comfortable with. We show people the parameters they will need to deal with complex health issues and conquer chronic, or acute pain and inflammation, even weight loss.
Dr. Victor Ouellette's Wellness Program does not depend on or require chiropractic care or any other form of professional health care.
To get started, create a free account above then login and get started.
Contact us if you have any questions as to how this program can help your weight, your Wellness health, your pain, and your inflammation, or if you wish to train an In-House Wellness Instructor for your company or business.
Wellness Risk Management